Sunday, October 10, 2010

Welcome to The Hall of Awesome

Greetings friends and welcome to The Hall of Awesome.  You may be asking yourself at this point, "Self, what is The Hall of Awesome?"  If you're not, then why the hell are you reading this in the first place?

Imagine if you will a large building, but this is no ordinary building, this is a place of epic epicness.  Huge marble columns, towering arches, gold and precious gems line the walls, this is truly a place where giants dwell.  Inside this building is a room, and in this room there are innumerable monuments to the greatest badasses who ever graced the silver screen.  This my friends is The Hall of Awesome.

Unfortunately this place only exists in my head, but fear not you can visit it with me by reading this blog.  Each week I'll review one of these mighty badassess and explain how they got their place in The Hall of Awesome.  Since I am the tour guide we'll visit displays I want to see first and in no particular order other than my whim.  If you have any suggestions of people you'd like to see by all means let me know and I'll see if I can find them, this place is huge after all. 

I hope you all will enjoy this trip with me through the Hall of of Awesome, it should be fun.  Our first stop will of course be Bruce Campbell, which will be pretty obvious for those of you who know me.